first long run back

Sunday morning and what I would consider my first long run (more than 16km/10miles) in over 6 months. Was going to run solo but Fletch was heading out at 5.30am so joined him and another running science regular Anthony.

Heading down and around Blackwattle Bay we stuck to the water edge as we passed the fish markets and onto the piers. Original plan was to run at plus 5min pace but it after the first couple we dropped into a 4.40 pace and no one seemed to complain and it felt ok.

Around Darling Harbour and we had passed the desired 45mins so we left Anthony to continue to the north shore as we headed back over Pyrmont bridge to do the reverse.  Slightly short on time we skipped a couple of the piers as the sun came up and the heat of the day began.

Back up Victoria road and as Fletch started to struggle I was pleased that I was still feeling good. Arrived back home slightly short of the 90min so ran around the block to get the time up and also topped over into the 18km mark for the day.